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The HBH/V Series exceeds ASHRAE 90.1 efficiencies, and uses R-410A zero ozone depletion refrigerant, making it an extremely environmentally-friendly option. HBH/V is eligible for additional LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) points because of the “green” technology design. With one of the smallest cabinets in the industry, the HBH/V will easily fi t into tight spaces. Designed to be backward compatible with thousands of older water-source heat pumps.
Available in sizes from 1/2 ton (1.76 kW) through 5 tons (17.6 kW) with multiple cabinet options (vertical upflow and horizontal) the HBH/V offers a wide range of units for most any installation. The HBH/V has an extended range refrigerant circuit, capable of geothermal ground loop applications (with optional extended range insulation) as well as boiler-tower water loop applications. Standard features include: Copeland scroll compressors (rotary for size 018 and below), microprocessor controls, galvanized steel cabinet, galvanized steel with epoxy powder painted drain pan and sound absorbing air handler insulation.
Heat Controller’s exclusive double isolation compressor mounting system makes the HBH/V the quietest unit on the market. Compressors are mounted via rubber vibration isolators to a heavy gauge mounting plate, which is further isolated from the cabinet base with rubber grommets for maximized vibration/sound attenuation. The easy access control box and large access panels make installing and maintaining the unit easier than other watersource heat pumps currently in production, proving that a small unit can be easy to service.
The HBH/V Series is full of options, such as an e-coated air coil. Optional high static fan motor expands the operating range and helps overcome some of the challenges associated with ductwork for retrofi t installations. A Cupro-Nickel water-coil and sound absorbing mute package are options that make a great unit even better.
The HBH/V Series Water-Source Heat Pumps are designed to meet the challenges of today’s HVAC demands with one of the most innovative products available on the market.
Unit Features
Sizes 006 (1/2 ton, 1.76 kW) through 060 (5 tons, 17.6 kW)
R-410A refrigerant
Exceeds ASHRAE 90.1 efficiencies
Galvanized steel construction
Epoxy powder painted galvanized steel drain pan
Sound absorbing glass fiber insulation
Unique double isolation compressor mounting via vibration isolating rubber grommets for quiet operation
Insulated divider and separate compressor/air handler compartments
Copeland scroll compressors (rotary for size 018 and below)
TXV metering device
Microprocessor controls standard
Field convertible discharge air arrangement for horizontal units
PSC three-speed fan motor
Internally trapped condensate drain line (vertical units only)
Unit Performance Sentinel performance monitoring system
Eight Safeties Standard
Extended range (20 to 120°F, -6.7 to 48.9°C) capable